裏窓 映画 - 映画『裏窓』殺人現場がうつらないサスペンス!

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映画 裏窓 映画『裏窓』のあらすじ・見どころを徹底解説

映画 裏窓 映画「裏窓 」ネタバレあらすじと結末・感想|起承転結でわかりやすく解説!

映画 裏窓 裏窓

映画 裏窓 映画『裏窓』ネタバレあらすじ結末と感想|映画ウォッチ


映画 裏窓 映画『裏窓』ネタバレあらすじ結末と感想|映画ウォッチ

映画 『裏窓』 (1954年)ー ヒッチコック監督最大のヒット作 ー 20世紀・シネマ・パラダイス

映画 裏窓 裏窓

映画 裏窓 映画 『裏窓』


映画 裏窓 映画『裏窓』のあらすじ・見どころを徹底解説

裏窓 : 作品情報

Though these are picayune criticisms, they are painfully obvious in the film of a director known to be a compulsive perfectionist. Each actor and actress in the apartment complex facing Jeff's rear window wore an earpiece through which they could receive Hitchcock's directions. Moreover, wouldn't Lisa have taken off her high heels before climbing a wall and then a fire escape? For instance, in the scene with Miss Lonelyheart Judith Evelyn , we see her throw out the man who made a pass at her and then we see her reaction after she slams the door, followed by the reaction of Jeff and Lisa Grace Kelly. He was so pleased with the result that he did not order another take. This elegant scene takes a few seconds and speaks volumes with little dialogue. For instance, he aimed the open windows so they would show subtle reflections of places in the apartment we couldn't see directly. Hitchcock realized this and took voyeurism to the next level, allowing us to watch a voyeur as he watched others. Such technique gets the viewer fully involved, because if we were there this is exactly what we would be doing, watching the unfolding events and then seeing how others around us responded. Raymond Burr often doesn't get the recognition he deserves for this role, which is mostly shot at a distance with very few lines. Hitchcock's mastery is most evident in his subtle use of reaction scenes by the various characters. Hence, the bodily, haptic, phenomenological perception of an itinerant and peripatetic viewer operates as an entirely different visual system once the itinerary becomes framed, an optical "imaginary path" with boundary and limit. This film had numerous small incongruities that are normally absent from Hitchcock films. The acting is superb in this film. I believe he was also a master of understanding human nature. Jimmy Stewart is unabashedly obsessed as the lead character. Would Thorwold really be scrubbing the walls with the blinds open? Alfred Hitchcock is considered by most to be the master of suspense. A wheelchair-bound photographer spies on his neighbors from his apartment window and becomes convinced one of them has committed murder. When we watch a film, aren't we in essence looking through a window and watching people who behave as if they don't realize we are there? He intuitively understood that human beings are voyeurs by nature, not in the perverted sense, but in the curious sense. In another scene, Detective Doyle Wendell Corey sees Lisa's nightclothes and presumes she will be staying the night. Would Lisa be conspicuously waving at Jeff while Stella Thelma Ritter was digging up the garden? Yet, he imbues Thurwold with a looming nefariousness using predominantly physical acting. Though cool at times, she is often playful and rambunctious. He begins to suspect that a man across the courtyard may have murdered his wife. A wheelchair-bound photographer spies on his neighbors from his apartment window and becomes convinced one of them has committed murder. Hitchcock told the man to pull the mattress in one direction and told the woman to pull in the opposite direction. Photographers have an innate visual perceptiveness and the ability to tell a story with an image and Stewart adopts this mindset perfectly. This newly wrought combination of mobile and virtual visualities provided a virtual mobility for immobile spectators, who witnessed movement confined to a frame. A major appeal of cinema and television is that they offer us an opportunity for guilt free voyeurism. In essence, it puts us in the room with them. Confined to his New York apartment, he spends his time looking out of the rear window observing the neighbors. The resulting mayhem, in which one of the couple is tossed inside the window with the mattress, provided humor and a sense of authenticity, which Hitchcock liked. Hitchcock was a stickler for detail. We are a species that slows down to look at accident scenes and steals furtive glances at lovers in the park who are oblivious to everything but each other. Unaware that they had received conflicting directions, the couple began to fight and struggle to get the mattress inside once the crew began filming. This is done repeatedly in various layers even with the other tenants as they interact with one another. We watch an event that Jeff James Stewart is watching and then Hitchcock immediately cuts to his reaction. However, there were certain details included or excluded that were inexplicable. I always enjoy Thelma Ritter's performances for their honesty and earthiness and this is another example of a character actor at her best. Jeff enlists the help of his high society fashion-consultant girlfriend Lisa Fremont and his visiting nurse Stella to investigate. According to , when the man and woman on the fire escape struggle to get in out of the rain was based on a prank by Sir.。

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