英 検 準 一級 面接 使える 表現 - 英検3級面接の問題と流れ・合格のコツ・使えるフレーズ

準 一級 使える 英 検 表現 面接 英検準一級 面接(二次試験)対策

準 一級 使える 英 検 表現 面接 è‹±æ¤œã®é¢æŽ¥å¯¾ç­–ï¼å¿ ãšè¦šãˆã¦ãŠããŸã„10の言い回し

準 一級 使える 英 検 表現 面接 英検準2級面接の問題と流れ・合格のコツ・使えるフレーズ


準 一級 使える 英 検 表現 面接 英検準一級受験者向け!ライティングで役に立つ表現

準 一級 使える 英 検 表現 面接 英検2級の面接試験の対策法まとめ!使える表現や過去問解説まで試験で役立つ情報をお伝えします

準 一級 使える 英 検 表現 面接 英検準1級ライティングテスト(英作文問題)で使える定型文

準 一級 使える 英 検 表現 面接 英検2級の面接で使える表現は?英語で答えられない時の対処法!

実例会話つき! 準2級面接 入室から退室までをシミュレーション

準 一級 使える 英 検 表現 面接 英検準一級 面接(二次試験)対策

準 一級 使える 英 検 表現 面接 英検2級面接で使える簡単フレーズまとめ!英文が思いつかない時の対処も


準 一級 使える 英 検 表現 面接 英検®︎準1級二次試験対策:ナレーションで使える4つの技


You can also enjoy some drinks and snacks in the theater. You have two minutes to prepare the story. You have one minute to prepare T his is a story about a couple who ran an open-air cafe in a town. The staff members agre ed with the ideas. It also offers the chance to learn Japanese culture. The following morning, a group of people who live near their cafe came to the cafe. She said that electricity consumption had gone down by eighty percent successfully. The man was serving coffee and the woman was playing music loudly. It is often said that people need more exercise today. If you were the man, what would you be thinking? This exercise is both healthy and interesting, so it is getting more and more popular. Your story should begin with the following sentence: One day, a couple was at their cafe. Movie theaters are usually air-conditioned and have very comfortable seats, so people can spend a very nice time there. Children are the future citizens who will vote in the elections. Two hours later at the gift shop, Mrs. Where is the woman going to put the books? Because it is danger for small children if they can go wherever they want to go. Two weeks later, the cafe was crowded with customers who had come to their cafe. Right now, many shops and restaurants in Japan have begun to close during the night, which helps lower the electricity consumption. Tell me as much as you can about what they are doing. You can usually find a multi-screen movie theater near a major train station. One day, a couple was at their cafe. Many students often go to the library after school, and they enjoy reading many kinds of books there. Parents should take care of children especially when they are small. When I am tired from shopping, I can eat there, too. Sasaki thought they can enjoy the museum. They are looking at the sales figures which showed the sales of their cafe had been falling down in a couple of months. Some customers enjoy drink and food with their friends or family and others enjoy talking. My friend called me before this test and cheered me up! Sasaki started to worry about her baby. A man in their neighborhood seemed disturbed by the noise. You have 20 seconds to prepare. The next day, the woman was at the entrance of their cafe and she gave flyers that said the cafe was holding parties during summer. Do you think it is a good idea? Two guests were complaining to him, saying "We couldn't enjoy our view of the beach. Your story should begin with the sentence on the card. I think new goods are better to buy. When do many students often go to the library? Do you like to go shopping at these malls? People move around the drums and exercise by beating them. Japanese companies should save electricity in order to save the environment. After all, motivation is most important. Students can use the Internet at some school libraries. Also I think the quality is not bad even if it is secondhand. People are well aware of the dangers of global warming and we are involved in the efforts to save energy. One of them told the woman he had not been able to sleep the night before because of the loud music and the man was listening to a woman's complaint over the phone. It is a combination of Japanese drums, wadaiko, and aerobics. The hotel's top priority is the safety of its guests. I was a little nervous this morning trying not to miss my train to get here. Because making small changes have big effects in the long run. Please describe the situation. Like Greta for example, the girl who is an environmental activist. Avoiding overtime work might become one solution to reduce the electricity consumption. What does he have in his hand? One of the ideas was to strengthen the building, and the other was to buy more survival kits. The man was putting up some advertisements for the parties. They are doing different things. The president felt relieved although their productivity during the summer might have gone down as well. I saw that my horoscope was good on the Mezamashi TV program. The man told his wife that they needed more customers.。

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